Monkeypox! “Mistaken as Gay Disease?” By Doc Jumel Bornilla

Monkeypox is an infection that causes fever and a painful rash. It was originally discovered in monkeys, which is where the name comes from. For many years, monkeypox was uncommon. But in 2022, there has been an outbreak of new cases. These have happened in countries where people typically do not get monkeypox, including the US.Health experts are concerned about monkeypox because of the sudden increase in cases. But most people who get monkeypox will not get seriously ill or die.

Do Filipinos must afraid of monkey pox? I’d rather say that we Filipinos should educate ourselves instead of being afraid. We should equip ourselves with the information that ANYONE can get monkeypox if they have close contact with someone who is infected.

During the 2022 outbreak, many of the people who have been infected are men who have sex with men. But it’s important to know that anyone can get the infection, no matter their gender identity, sexual orientation, or sex practices. Thinking of monkeypox as something that only affects certain people or groups is inaccurate and harmful.

How does monkey pox spread? In the past, the most common way for monkeypox to spread was from an infected animal to a person. This could happen from touching the animal’s body fluids or through a bite or scratch.During the 2022 outbreak, the infection has been spreading from person to person. This can happen through:

Touching an infected person’s rash, scabs, or body fluids – This seems to be the main way the infection is spreading during this outbreak. In many cases, this has happened through sexual activity. Experts are studying whether the infection can also spread through semen or vaginal fluids.

Touching something that has touched an infected person – For example, if fluid from a person’s rash gets on clothing, bedding, or sex toys, it is possible for the infection to spread to others who touch these items.

Through tiny droplets from the lungs – The infection can spread in this way if people are face-to-face, for example kissing or cuddling, for a long time.

It is also possible for a pregnant person to pass the infection to their baby.
A person is most likely to spread monkeypox while they have the rash. Experts do not yet know if a person is contagious before the rash appears.
Monkeypox is not as contagious as the virus that causes COVID-19. You are not likely to get it by being near someone unless you have direct contact with their skin, or are face-to-face for a long time.

What are the precautions to avoid it? The best way to prevent monkeypox is to avoid close contact with anyone who might have it. To lower your risk of being exposed:

If a family member, friend, or partner has monkeypox, they should self-isolate until their rash has healed completely.

Avoid close contact with anyone who has symptoms of monkeypox.

If a partner has monkeypox, avoid sex until their rash is completely healed. This includes anal, oral, or vaginal sex. Virtual or phone sex are safe ways to be intimate without physical contact.

Using condoms any time you have sex might help. But condoms probably cannot completely prevent the spread of monkeypox. This is because it can spread in a few different ways, as discussed above.

HIV became so widespread and uncontrolled for so long because people insisted it was a “gay disease” Let’s not make the same mistake with monkeypox. It isn’t a disease dependent on your gender or orientation. Let’s not wait for the infection to spread soon to children and women for us to completely abandon that narrative

Downplaying monkey pox the same way most people downplayed covid should be avoided. I perfectly understand that Fear-mongering is dangerous however, keeping the public well-informed should be our utmost priority.

Our goal as medical practitioners is to spread awareness for an Informed, Patient-Centered society.

Dr. Jumel V. Bornilla, MD
Internal Medicine
Medical Director of International Travelers Medical Center, HousecallMD and Immunoboosters Co. – The First and Only Medical Concierge Facility In The Philippines

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